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Giant Zombie Halloween Decoration : 6-Foot-Tall Selfie Station Statue Prop

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He's back from the grave and ready to PARTY! The ultimate selfie station for your home or business, this Giant Zombie with exposed brain matter, rotten teeth, and bloodshot eyes is a frightening sight to behold. Make your home Halloween haunt the talk of the neighborhood with a giant zombie prop to welcome your guests.
  • Height: 74 Inches
  • Breadth from hand to hand: 48 Inches
  • Depth from front of hand to back of head: 36 Inches
  • Includes a rolling base for easy positioning
  • No electrical power or batteries required
  • Crate Dimensions-
    • Height: 88 Inches
    • Width: 52 Inches
    • Depth: 52 Inches
    • Weight: 275 lbs.


From the 1985 movie THE RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD:
“Gee... And now you made me hurt myself again! You made me break my hand completely off this time Tina! But I don't care Darlin', because I love you, and you've got to let me EAT YOUR BRAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIINS! WHERE ARE YOU!”
a zombiefied Freddy is chasing Tina

From the 1985 movie THE RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD:
“- Ernie: You can hear me?
- ½ Lady Corpse: Yes.
- Ernie: Why do you eat people?
- ½ Lady Corpse: Not people. Brains.
- Ernie: Brains only?
- ½ Lady Corpse: Yes.”
CHERRY DAVIS - ½ Lady Corpse

 From Edgar Allan Poe's short story Berenice, after seeing the Giant Zombie teeth: "Why then, as I perused them, did the hairs of my head erect themselves on end, and the blood of my body become congealed within my veins?"

How do we make this giant monster?

  1. Specialty foam is cut on a large, automated CNC router.
  2. Once the CNC is complete, the foam sculpture moves to our artisan department where sanding, texturing, and sculpting bring the piece to life.
  3. The sculpture is then hard coated to seal it and protect it from outdoor elements like heat, rain, and sun.
  4. Once the hard coat is applied, the sculpture returns to our artisan department to airbrush. Our paint is equivalent to car paint and is approved by Disney & Universal Studios Standards.

Crate Dimensions-

Height: 88 Inches,
Width: 52 Inches,
Depth: 52 Inches,
Weight: 300 lbs.

Giant Zombie Halloween Decoration : 6-Foot-Tall Selfie Station Statue Prop
Giant Zombie Halloween Decoration : 6-Foot-Tall Selfie Station Statue Prop
Giant Zombie Halloween Decoration : 6-Foot-Tall Selfie Station Statue Prop
Giant Zombie Halloween Decoration : 6-Foot-Tall Selfie Station Statue Prop
Giant Zombie Halloween Decoration : 6-Foot-Tall Selfie Station Statue Prop
Giant Zombie Halloween Decoration : 6-Foot-Tall Selfie Station Statue Prop
Giant Zombie Halloween Decoration : 6-Foot-Tall Selfie Station Statue Prop
Giant Zombie Halloween Decoration : 6-Foot-Tall Selfie Station Statue Prop
Giant Zombie Halloween Decoration : 6-Foot-Tall Selfie Station Statue Prop
Giant Zombie Halloween Decoration : 6-Foot-Tall Selfie Station Statue Prop
Giant Zombie Halloween Decoration : 6-Foot-Tall Selfie Station Statue Prop